Nội dung web đã chọn không còn tồn tại.

Primary content

Primary content header & container

p tag, left / right margins stripped
Duis sollicitudin orci eget lorem ornare tempor. Aliquam dapibus, mi nec adipiscing viverra, dui magna iaculis lacus, nec convallis mauris orci ut nunc.

Duis sollicitudin orci eget lorem ornare tempor. Aliquam dapibus, mi nec adipiscing viverra, dui magna iaculis lacus, nec convallis mauris orci ut nunc.

Liferay template name: RBA_PRIMARY_CONTENT

[div class="rba-portlet"]
#if("$!{Title.data}" != "")[h3 class="rba-portlet-header ph-primary">$Title.data[/h3]#end [section class="rba-portlet-content pc-primary"]

The rba-portlet-header is the base class for portlet headers*. It is used to control font size, spacing etc.. of the portlet header.

* As seen above this class in not applied to the generic content portlet.

The ph-primary class augments the rba-portlet-header class with font and background colours.

The pc-primary class augments the rba-portlet-content class with border colours.

Secondary content header & container

p tag, left / right margins stripped
Duis sollicitudin orci eget lorem ornare tempor. Aliquam dapibus, mi nec adipiscing viverra, dui magna iaculis lacus, nec convallis mauris orci ut nunc.

Duis sollicitudin orci eget lorem ornare tempor. Aliquam dapibus, mi nec adipiscing viverra, dui magna iaculis lacus, nec convallis mauris orci ut nunc.

  1. item number one
  2. item number two
  3. item number three

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Generic Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet